Hey ladies, so I need some advice!

My 15month old refuses to eat solid food, drink from her sippy cup or bottle, and really survives off my breast milk.

I will say, she does eat some fruit, yogurt, and just started eating eggs. But do any of u have advice on how I cna get her to eat more solid food and less of my milk? I feel like nursing all day l in and I'm just ready to have my boobs back!

Thank you in advance for any advice! #myfirstpost

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We found my son enjoys food a lot more when it's seasoned. He hated baby food so we started out giving him bites off of our plates when he was 6-7 months old. We also put him in his high chair and give him some finger foods.
05.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you! I do season her food and I give her u seasoned food to see what she likes. I'm hoping she doesn't stay this picky! Lol

Also, I do need to get her a highchair. I've moved twice since she's been born and haven't had the chance to get her one. Hopefully I can do that next week!
05.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
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