Yaasss!! With my 3rd I was 5 cm when I went to my OB appt! My doc was like you want to try and make to your registered hospital? I was like hell ya!! I had all my babies there! I drove to the appt but my husband drove me to the hospital from there. When he came in I was 9 cm and ready to roll.
You got this girl! 💓
When I went in to be induced with my youngest when I got there I was already at 5cm so needless to say I didn’t need the induction. I went from 5-10 in a hour
@sandraluvx, w my second I got to the hospital and was 5cm w a bulging bag. Baby was born 50 mins later. You and I will have to stay in touch when I get closer to my due date 😂
Is this a girl or boy?!
@notso_superwomen, no clue, contractions are extremely strong but I’m breathing and staying calm. The doctors are like “ how are you this happy with these contractions 🧐 “ lmao
You got this girl! 💓