I currently have 2 issues that I’m trying to work through with my daughter right now...
1. I can’t get her to poop in the potty. Like, she’ll do it if I’ve caught her in time and run her to the bathroom but other than that she’ll just poop in her panties and then want me to clean her up and change her. She’s completely potty trained with peeing tho. Even at night she’ll get up and go to the bathroom to pee. I just can’t get her to poop in the potty on her own 😭
2. I know that ALL kids dump stuff out and make messes. My daughter literally dumps everything on the floor. I try to do sensory activities with her like sensory bins and stuff and it always ends up on the floor. If she’s holding a cup with something in it, she dumps it. If it can be dumped into the floor.. she dumps it 😭 (example: I have a little plastic tote thing with dry beans that we use sometimes for activities and I let her play with them in the floor the other day I gave her different toys and such to use and instead she dumped the entire thing of beans in the floor 4 different times. I eventually just put them back up after I had to sweep them up that many times within 30 mins) anyone else’s kid(s) do this 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

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Both are phases. If you are home, let her run naked. Keep reminding her "we go poop in the potty"

Let her pour as an activity into different containers. Water, beans, rice and then teach her you do then as activities and not to drinks and food.
26.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yesss! Phases that feel like they’re gonna last forever sometimes 😂 I let her run naked when we were potty training but she would freak out and scream any time she pooped so once she got the peeing down pat I just started leaving her in her panties but maybe since she’s not completely terrified of her own poop anymore I can try the naked route again lol. And that’s what I’ve been doing I gave her the beans again today and we took them outside onto the porch and she had her little basket of play dishes so she could pour the beans in different pots/pans/cups and all that fun stuff lol. They still ended up being just poured onto the porch but at least we were outside this time so I don’t have a million beans all over the floor 😂
26.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
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