Hey, another question🤣what symptoms (unusual or not) did you get when you thought you we’re pregnant and how many days past ovulation did you get a positive test? Thank you x
I’m the same, if I think about something I feel sick! And if I touch my boobs there painful but am I just making them painful by squeezing them all the time because I want it to be because I’m pregnant, I’m going crazy!😂❤️
I don’t usually dream lol. I just go to bed sleep and wake up. I either don’t dream or I don’t remember a thing. When I’m pregnant I dream every time I fall asleep and it’s always really CRAZY dreams😂 It starts within days of ovulation for me. Each time I’ve been pregnant I knew way before a test could tell me because of the dreams🤷🏻♀️
First, stuff just randomly started making me feel sick. Second, I was getting headaches which is very rare for me and I was bloating loads and very emotional x
Bloating a lot and constipation sorry tmi but those were the first signs , and sciatic pain in my leg along with extreme exhaustion. Tested around a day before my period was due x
@lorirodgers175, ahh I see yeah the bloating I experienced was more like everything just felt squashed and hurt a abit. You arnt the only one I think most people ttc piss on a stick as soon as they are in the TWW 😂 you can get a positive around 12dpo and that should be accurate by then. No harm doing one at 9,10,11, either though everyone’s different x
@erincharlieconor, well im 9 dpo today and I did a test yesterday and it was negative, I think I just need to wait a lot longer but I’m just driving myself insane😂when I found out with the last one it wasn’t planned and when I did a test the two lines came up straight away and I was 6 weeks pregnant at the time so I think I’m just waiting for that. This time i think I’m more in tune with what’s happening and over thinking it because I’m actually trying this time x