Audrey Deirfield
Audrey Deirfield
Okay ... I'm pretty "peedoff"
My sister has a 6 year old my daughter is 1 and half ..
Avery my daughter only bites someone when she dose not want messed with but before she dose so She will kick and scream at the top of her lungs if they don't leave her alone she bites...
I've explained this to my sister and her daughter.
Welp today she was outside and nobody told me she bit her daughter . .
While i was inside i was holding her and was like Avery say hello to "Aunt so and so "
Avery gave her a dirty look ... And my sister keep in mind who is 34 said 'thats how i feel about you too " i look at her like "wtf?" Her reply to my look was well your daughter bit my daughter twice. .
My mom said to her she's one it's gonna happen .
Like really. Okay for now on I'm not gonna punish her beacuse the only reason my daughter bites is beacuse she wants to be left alone.
& my daughter even gives warring ques...

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And i have been but she acts like I'm not doing shit about it and it's upsetting .
I've sat her in time out some of you may or may not agree with this but I've lightly tapped her mouth . I've tried the biteing her. Ect . & thank you laids. I do appreciate it . y'all are right about be kicking that biteing habbit .
25.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
Biting is wrong regardless of why it's done and regardless of age. You need to correct the behavior. The kicking also needs to be corrected.
25.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
That was an immature remark by your sister, but you do need to address the biting issue sooner rather than later.
25.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
Not that I agree with anything your sister has done/said you do need to punish her for biting, she needs to learn biting is not how you express your anger/frustration or you will have some serious problems. You need to teach her to properly express her wants, kicking and screaming to be left alone aren’t great ways either.
25.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
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