So if I don’t have a healthy diet I shouldn’t breastfeed right ? Some ppl say it doesn’t matter others say I shouldn’t even bother breastfeeding if I’m not going to eat healthy ...
You can eat whatever, the baby will get all it needs from you!
16.08.2019 Нравится Ответить
I don’t have the healthiest diet but I still nursed my kiddos. I took prenatals for a couple months after having them. I’m vegetarian so I eat a lot of veggies but I also eat a lot of junk food lol
I dont have the best diet I bf for 19m and my daughter is healthy. You did grow a baby on your diet and baby I'm assuming is healthy, but making some healthier changes wouldn't hurt.
Whatever unhealthy food your eating isn’t going to give you nutrients your body needs . Everything in moderation . You can eat whatever you want just make sure your eating your veggies too .