@hotmessboymom I got pregnant when my son was 14 months he was a year old, I feel like I should have waited a bit more but that’s just my experience my second pregnancy wasn’t plan but I’m still happy and excited. Just rough pregnancy this time around😊
@hotmessboymom also picking up ur baby and taking care of ur baby while pregnant gets exhausting of course u have to do it anyway but it’s easier said then done then when ur hudge u still have ur baby that’s born to tend to & less sleep so u get very exhausted fast like right now I’m uncomfortable legs hurting and pressure down there but still doing what I have to do
@bianca787, I bet!! I can imagine it’s way easier said than done and I will probably kick myself if I do get pregnant right away but I can’t stop obsessing about it. Lol. I’m on babycenter and I just hang out on the Trying to Conceive board and look at peoples positive test posts hahaha