My dr said that breastfeeding might take away nutrients from the baby, so I stopped. I know I'm not eating well enough that I'd be getting full nutrients for myself, baby #1 and baby #2 - I mean, I eat well, but probably not well enough for 3.
@ter.aley I would ask your dr about it. My son was 14 months old, so we introduced a bottle with cows milk which he refused at first, but once he realized it was bottle or nothing, he was all in. Then we had to wean the bottle lol it's a bit of a crapshow... if you think you can breastfeed and be pregnant, go for it! Just make sure you really get all your nutrients. Lots of veggies, fruits, milk...
I breastfed my toddler my entire pregnancy. I did get a bit of flack for it by some of the healthcare people and it was really annoying the last few weeks due to all the Braxton Hicks contractions it would cause but didn’t have any issues with it.
@ter.aley, how far along are you? I don’t recall getting cramps early on but I also lost my milk supply (not sure precisely when but I had two pregnancies back to back and I think that helped kill my supply) and then it turned to colostrum for the last few months of my pregnancy but my toddler didn’t seem to care about the change. He doesn’t really drink cow’s milk either but likes yogurt and cheese to get his calcium and stuff. It is harder for you since your little isn’t over a year yet. I would probably just try different bottles or cups. My son loved the straw ones (before he got super chewy). :/
@gecko_mom, i would say around, maybe 5 weeks. it makes me sad, because she only likes to be on my breast. 😔 if my milk supply does drop, should i be giving her formula?
@ter.aley, At 9 months definitely. Breast milk or formula should still be the primary source of calories at that age. :/ Could you pump at all and try to get her transitioned to a bottle or cup of some sorts? Definitely at 5w breastfeeding wouldn’t hurt your peanut. :)