I need advice.
Backstory: I've been married for 5 years back in May and it's been pretty rocky. I've split with him twice because he is controlling. I cant wear certain things, talk to certain family members, I'm only "allowed" to buy things that he approves of which is seriously like NOTHING FOR MYSELF, but he BLOWS money by withdrawing it and not allowing me to know on what. I cant wear my makeup any more than a natural look or I'm a hoe and a whore and a dumbass along other names when hes upset.
Currently: my mom bad brain surgery so I'm here in CO SPRINGS (my apartment is in NM.) In NM I have zero family, no friends, his sister who is the only "family" i have out there has not seen my girls in 7 months and hasn't even ASKED about them. He flipped tf out because I was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt. I am at a breaking point and I'm ready to divorce his ass. But I would want to live out here in CO. He gave me permission when he was "upset" cause I told him I wanted to split. But in text I have the permission to live here and he was being rude. Now hes threatening me with a lawyer. What guidelines do I have to follow? Similar experiences? Please help. MIND YOU HE DOES NOT HELP WITH THE GIRLS, IS ALWAYS OUT WOTH HIS FRIENDS, AND ON HIS VIDEO GAMES. IVE BEEN A SINGLE MOM WITH BASICALLY SINCE MY 4YR OLD WAS BORN. The only advantage he has on me is that he was working and I'm a SAHM and due to my financial situation with him I have ZERO money because he wont allow me to have even $5 to my name.