Can anyone help with what this rash could be? Started with just the bugged red blotches on next and under chin but the little pimple like bumps came around that area and now they are slowly showing up on the rest of his body.
First off, if your concerned about any sort of rash you should always seek medical advise, never ask other mums to give advise over photos, we are not doctors..
• Does the rash look like it’s got pastorals? (Like pus pimples) - if yes, seek medical advise right away.
• if you rub the rash with some pressure does it blanch? (Under the pressure does it turn white, once pressure is removed go back to red) - if yes, it is most likely viral and will clear in a few days; baby may even be teething.
• have you changed/introduced any new washing powders, body wash, foods into babies diet? If yes, try and pin point the changes, if it washing powder related baby is most likely allergic to the new product; if it’s food related baby again is most likely allergic and could need further testing. This includes if you’re breatfeeding and have eaten something you haven’t before since having baby..
But please if you are at all worried seek proper medical advise as I am not a doctor and what may have been something for another baby, could be very different for yours :D
I was gonna say drool rash my son got just bumps then it did go away and he got the same on his chest when he first started his 360 cup bc it kept dripping on his chest. But now it’s good. Idk if where else it is on ur little if it could be a option?