Ask your doctor about giving one oz of unsweeted chamomile tea. It’s supposed to work wonders for colic, calm muscle spasms, and help with digestion. Look it up and speak with your pedi
Yes he’s on Mylicon and also on reflux meds. Trust me we’ve tried everything. I even took him outside, in the car, near warm mist like everything lol this kid makes me bald like I said lol
And wanted to add, I completely empathize with you on this!! If you haven’t experienced it, it’s hard to comprehend just how difficult and stressful colic is. And it’s heartbreaking listening to your tiny baby scream their head off and not be able to soothe them. 😭😢
@newlywedandpreg, oh momma, I hear you 😢😩 Do you have supports that can give you an occasional break? My husband and I would take turns walking him around. Have you tried car rides or stroller walks?
You could try adding gas drops to his formula (mycilon I think it’s called). We would endlessly walk him, Pat his back, bicycle his legs, put him in the vibrating bouncer, make shhhh noises while we walked & patted.
You could also try warmth, maybe a towel fresh from the dryer on his belly, or a warm rice pack. My son as a bigger kid has had trapped gas, and heat seems to really help.
I did, until a mama here recommended I try just formula (I had been pumping and supplementing with formula.). When I switched him to only formula all the colic was solved.
I’ve also heard it could be you’re diet if you’re breastfeeding/pumping.