So I have a date tonight. I was actually properly asked out. And I’m excited but Nervous cause I haven’t ever really truly been on a date. I got good vibes from him and not a lot of people I meet are so warm (For some reason I always attracted and went out with the wanna be bad boy that’s really just an a$$hole that is wrong side out) 😂🤣
We’ve only been talking for now a day
I work the drive thu at night and basically that’s how we met, he gave me his number and didn’t even ask for mine. I messaged him a couple of days later and we talked I went into work that night and he and his buddy cane by but then later on that night (aka the next morning 1:55 am) 5 minutes before we were closing he came thru the drive thru and asked me out.
Like who does that any more now a days???
But I haven’t told him about my daughter yet and I don’t really know how I should tell him. Or when... 😅😅😅
Any advice or encouragement/kind words would be greatly appreciated ❤️