Michal Phillips
Michal Phillips
So I have a date tonight. I was actually properly asked out. And I’m excited but Nervous cause I haven’t ever really truly been on a date. I got good vibes from him and not a lot of people I meet are so warm (For some reason I always attracted and went out with the wanna be bad boy that’s really just an a$$hole that is wrong side out) 😂🤣
We’ve only been talking for now a day
I work the drive thu at night and basically that’s how we met, he gave me his number and didn’t even ask for mine. I messaged him a couple of days later and we talked I went into work that night and he and his buddy cane by but then later on that night (aka the next morning 1:55 am) 5 minutes before we were closing he came thru the drive thru and asked me out.
Like who does that any more now a days???
But I haven’t told him about my daughter yet and I don’t really know how I should tell him. Or when... 😅😅😅
Any advice or encouragement/kind words would be greatly appreciated ❤️

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I would be open and tell him up front. You and your daughter are a packaged deal, so having that out in the open makes sure you're both on the same page about it.
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
Im sure at some point he’s going to ask you to tell him about yourself. Then just say you have a daughter ☺️ he’ll appreciate you being forward about it.
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
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