Shyan Davis
Shyan Davis
My plan has been to get my tubes tied after I have our second baby girl In September during my csection, well my Obgyn said she would
Do it since I’ve had 2 high risk pregnancy’s and bad medical history, only thing is she says when she does it she removes both Fallopian tubes instead of the normal just “tying” them off has anyone had this done before? From what I’ve looked up it says it can cause early menopause even if you still have your ovaries. Or your periods to be worse than before 😭 this is our second birth control baby and we are done having kids

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I had mine tied in 2007, untied in 2013, and both tubes removed in 2018. By far, having them removed has caused way less side effects as far as periods and moods etc. IE, tied was heavy painful periods and being miserable for years and removal has felt like a blessing lol
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
A lot of dr’s have switched to removing tubes as opposed to Tying them. Studies show a serious decrease in cancer risks later. You keep your ovaries and you still have you cycle so it plays no role in early menopause.
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
As long as you have your ovaries you’re ok.
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
Never heard of it..
17.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
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