It’s been SO long since I’ve been in here 😭😭😭
I figured it was time to get back on!
So some little updates
• My daughter turned 3 in March: Aubrey Grace
• My son turned 2 in July: Bentley Wayne
• I now have a bonus baby who turned two last November: Easton Gray
• We are expecting another girl in October: Caysen Marie (Side note: it took us SO LONG to come up with this name. We went back and forth between so many names. This one just really stuck as our favorite, even though a lot of people weren’t fond of it or said it was boyish. But we love it and it’s our baby sooooo 🤷‍♀️❤️🤷‍♀️)
Anyways, that’s a little update on us. I’m glad to be back on & hope everyone is doing well. I’m always here if anyone needs to talk.
Also, summer is almost over (😢😭😢) buttt, it does mean we’re that much closer to getting started with another school year- ANDDD I’ll graduate with my BSN next May !!!
So excited for all the new improvements in our life & that we’re setting up a better future for our family. ❤️❤️❤️

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