Teri Green
Teri Green
My 4 year old sleep talks a lot every night. Mostly yells "no, I dont want to eat" or "I dont wanna pick up my mess"
Could this be because I used to sleep walk and still sometimes sleep talk?
Also she grinds her teeth so hard she has 7 caps on her teeth and 3 pulled. The dentist says it's not worth correcting yet because kids so young wont keep in a mouth guard.
Does anyone have any advice on any of this

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My daughter does sometimes talk in her sleep too.... but not all the time. The grinding, my daughter does too and sometimes the snoring. They are referring her to a sleep study. She has it this coming Monday....
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
I think some people just do these things. Not sure if it's genetic. I'd like to agree with pp about getting a second opinion from another dentist, but I have a night guard and at 26 still either spit it out in my sleep or there are times like last night where I just can't handle it and take it out after messing with it for hours. I can see why the dentist said kids won't keep one in.
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
@bodybycheetos have they had any issues with it so far? Mines 4 and she's been doing it for about 2 years
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
bodybycheetos they both talk in their sleep (I do also) and my youngest occasionally grinds his teeth.
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
@bodybycheetos I wanna talk to a doctor about mine doing it but the state rejected her for 'not providing income" shes freaking 4
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
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