Did any of you have any “pre” labor symptoms starting a few weeks before or did it just hit you all of the sudden. I’ve never gone into spontaneous labor so I’m just curious about y’all experiences.
With my third pregnancy all of the “fun” labor symptoms (lost my plug, timeable contractions, lots of pressure, vomiting, etc) started 3 weeks before the baby arrived (2 days late) I was convinced he would be early but he had other plans
With my last, two nights before giving birth and into the morning, I could not stop throwing up for several hours straight. It was awful. Then I felt better. My water broke 7 days ‘early’. I had been having noticeable and a lot of the time regular contractions for a good week.
10.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
At around 37 weeks i started getting contractions but than they would stop and spread apart but a day before 40 weeks i went into early labor, so i decided to wait it out at home but at midnight contractions were less than a min apart and i had my daughter in an hour and half. I made it to exactly 40 weeks. Everything happened so fast from midnight up until she was born. I went in at 5cm and in half hour i was at 10cm. I had her natural also because i didn’t want to wait for epi.