Your boobs are never “empty” babies cluster feed on the beginning so it seems they aren’t getting enough but really they are just enforcing your milk supply so your body knows what up
My suggestion is to keep hydrated, make sure you get 500-800 extra calories you need for bf, let them drink as much as possible from the breast & switch breasts, even when you think/know your breasts are empty continue to let them feed as long as they don't fall asleep (them feeding like this gives your body signals to produce more milk). If they are sleeping & your breast are full ..pump! If you dont this tells your body to make less milk. Get or consult with a lactation specialist asap to make sure baby is latched properly etc. Also try not to supplement early on, rely only on bm until you've established a good supply. Good luck supermomma!!
Oatmeal and lots of it . Water preferably soemthing with electrolytes and i also use to take liquid gold capsules from those helped me a lot!