Any SAHM that would like to give me advice on how you coupe with the stress/ feeling of being overwhelmed?

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It’s hard. But somehow I can still manage it. When I’m cooking, I have my daughter doing arts and crafts or sometimes we will just go out. Then coming home having to cook for dinner 🥘’s overwhelming but you can do it. Just take it day by day girl.
02.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
I take it day by day and handle one thing at a time. I’ve had my share of tears when I put my son to bed because there’s days where I just can’t handle it.. but doing things I loved made me feel better, like wearing makeup again, or buying new clothes. Since I don’t drive, getting out the house is alittle hard, but when I’m able to, it helps. Try finding a hobby to enjoy to get your mind off of things
01.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
I honestly just take things day by day and tackle task by task. Sometimes that’s all you can do. I’ve had my moment of crying in the kitchen because I’m so overwhelmed and I don’t want my daughter to see me. It’s hard! And that’s ok. Me not being alone constantly is what helped me a lot. And just getting out of the house. It made me start feeling better about myself which in turn helped me to look forward to everything with my daughter. I was able to not get anxious every time my daughter might have been difficult. Doing things for yourself is important. It gives you a restart and tackling stressful times and moments become a little easier
01.07.2019 Нравится Ответить
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