Anyone have advice for breastfeeding newborns with hiccups issues? Some days she’s fine but most days she gets INSANE hiccups. We burp frequently during feedings, after, different positions. There’s not certain foods I’m eating that sets it off for her. I think she has a reflux issue. Sometimes she’ll gag and make a sour face for a minute then be fine or just fuss.

I’m trying so hard to help her out but goodness

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The best thing I've learned to do is give them a good 5 minutes before sitting up to burp so they have a rest in between changing positions. Then laying on a good incline for at least 15 mins helps my little one after she's done feeding.
25.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
meh. I think its just part of being a newborn 🙅 annoying but not a concern. just keep up the good work!
25.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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