We had a schnauzer the only issue we had is she was loud af she barked all day at everything and nothing also she was a runner so we had to watch her around the doors and yard gates cause she would get out. We had a male when I was little we got rid of him for the same reasons. It’s in the bread so if you can take a loud running dog there’s no other issues
I agree with these as well but it goes back to their training starting YOUNG. Barking is still in my dogs but we take them to my parents farm and because they are off leash trained, we dont have to worry about them running off. Takes a LOT of time but worth it in the end.
I have a mini Aussie. It took a whole lot of training for him to be kid friendly lol. If anyone would run he would chase them and nip at their feet. He still herds the kids and trust to do the same to me and dh. They need A LOT of exercise or they will get naughty and possibly have a little attitude.
Eta- they shed since they have double coats. But you don't want to shave their hair down or they can get sun burn apparently lol. Invest in a furminator.
We were actually supposed to pick one up today and before we spent a ton of money I want to be absolutely sure, lol. Would you still recommend a mini Aussie?
@claudiar090 I would recommend if you are willing to put in the time with training and getting it ton of exercise! They're super smart. They have a long life span also so that's always good. About 13-16 years.
Schnauzer 100%. We have 2. Husbands nephew has 2. SIL has 1. My parents have 3. They are AMAZING dogs. Smart, easily trained, great with the kids.
Downsides are they are SMART, barky if not trained, and are required to be a family member. Not a dog you'd kennel or go on trips without. Their grooming is costly unless you get clippers and do it yourself. Minimal health problems. I cant say enough about this breed.
My grandparents had a mini schnauzer for most of my life (she recently passed away from old age) and she was a great family dog. She was a bit hyper and liked to jump on people but if you have a good size yard and the kids play with it, I don't think the dog being hyper will be a problem.