I had a midwife with both kids. It was a wonderful experience for me. Both ended up needing emergency c sections. But my midwife stayed with me throughout and followed me and baby once I was released from the hospital. I'm in Ontario. Everything was covered by OHIP and if you need to transfer care they will help you get match you to an OBGYN as well.
Tbh I wish I could have your experience it seems anyone who doesn’t have differences on files experience less grief or legal battles even because I have things on my medical file because I was born premature I was harassed and discriminated by mine in second trimester. But perhaps it’s also the parts of the world you live in like the state or provinces.
Midwives believe in more natural births and more natural options in some cases. Also if you need support during birth I’d consider a doula though they aren’t free. ссылка I’d also consider creating a birth plan.