Someone needs to notify the Police, She should be arrested! A grown ass woman taking her bullshit out on a child who tf does that? She's absolute garbage. Fucking pathetic.
You’ve got to be kidding me😳 this is one of the most awful things I’ve ever read. Whether you like the mother or not, purposely trying to infect a child with something is sick on a whole other level. If shes that unhappy then she needs to leave the relationship and leave the man and his child at least healthy. I’m sorry if this is your friend and all but this is disgusting.
Something like this happened here. A single mom as dating a guy. Let him move in and he would kiss the little boy around the eyes when he had a cold sore. They didn’t know what was wrong with the little boy. His eye swelled up and everything. They could never figure out why. They they did. Little boy lost his sight and the mother lost him.
This is why (god forbids) my husband and I get divorced I would NEVER allow my kids to go to his house if he has a new girlfriend. It’s either you take them out by yourself or don’t see them. That women is the devil in person btw dumb ass bitch she thinks she plays smart . Stupid ass. I hope she gets gonorrhea
Wtf did I just read? How can someone do that to a innocent child? That baby had nothing to do with how his mother is. That's so petty and cruel of her. I'd tell the childs dad as well. Her ass needs to go to jail on child abuse. Better yet trek the baby mom what happened.
Someone needs to notify the Police, She should be arrested! A grown ass woman taking her bullshit out on a child who tf does that? She's absolute garbage. Fucking pathetic.