Mirena birth control question.
So I got it put in 6 weeks after my daughter was born and from day one I could feel it (they checked and did ultrasound 2 weeks after to make sure it's in place) an now when ever I cramp I can feel it and just in general alot of time when I move certain ways I feel it or have strong make pokeing feeling any one else deal with it? It's a irritating feeling and makes cramps etc worse

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I had this same birth control and I had no problems with it at all I would let ur dr know.
21.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Did they measure your uterus to make sure it will fit?

I’d recommend getting it taken out if you can feel it because that could mean its expelling itself from your uterus or moving around and that’s dangerous.
21.06.2019 Нравится Ответить

Measuring the uterus is the most important part, if you have a smaller uterus it can come out and a larger uterus can cause it to move around which can cause it to get lost in the body.

If they measured it you should have seen a long straw like device, if they just put it in they should have taken it out to put the IUD in.

I’ve heard many stories like this, when I got mine in I was a teenager and had no children but one of the requirements is you must have already had birth because they fit better.

I think my uterus was too small and caused it to expel a bit which is why I was in sever pain.
21.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mamaste makes sense see I'm not in pain it's more uncomfortable feeling that gets worse when I have cramps etc.
21.06.2019 Нравится Ответить

It could just be normal because I was crying in pain when I got mine, which isn’t normal in my opinion. When I got it my father was upset because he said it was going to hurt me and it’s not good to have foreign objects in the body because it will natural try to get them out.
21.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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