So I think I have neurogenic bladder...
Either wait until the following Wednesday to see my doctor or go into urgent care before then. 😞
I got the epidural last minute and had to get 3 shots of it. I'm sure it caused nerve damage to my bladder 😭😭
I'm sad ladies.

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What makes you think that? I wet my pants alot after my second. If I went on walks it felt like my bladder was pushing into my cervix. It got better with time and lots of pelvic floor exercises.
19.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@babybert16 I have no sensation whatsoever to pee. If I'm busy, I can go a whole day without peeing. I have to remind myself to go. It started after my first son was born but was minor. Now after my second I have no sensation. But when I go I have no problem going. I may have a uti now 😞
19.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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