When did you ladies start potty training your kids? I wanted to start him while I was on maternity leave but I am not sure he is ready. Any advice is appreciated!!!
I started when my daughter was 15 months old. She got it in a week. We took and extended trip to NY afterwards and she regressed a bit but caught back on as soon as we got home. Now she only wears pullups at night. And pees in them only on a rare occasion
Thanks ladies! I think it might be a bit early for my son... he just pooped in the tub tonight 😂 I might just pull his potty out and see when he’s interested. I am just excited to get started since I have two in diapers!
I waited until he was ready. One day he got out of the bath and had yet to get a diaper on. I was in the bathroom doing my makeup and looked over at him standing on his tiptoes peeing in the toilet. Went out and bought pullups for night time and he's been naked or in undies during the day at home. He's been so good and only has had a couple accidents the first two or three days. Way easier than my oldest son.
We just started with my son. I’m not sure if he’s really ready. He’ll go potty if you take him but he won’t tell you he has to go. It’s been a week. He’s doing good
I'm potty training my youngest now. He is fully trained in the day. I think he be fully trained overnight at 2. Q is still very young though. People usually start at 2 years