Another topic lol 🤷🏻♀️ I got time today . How do I move on from my own mother I know you only get one but she has disrespected me one too many times today being the last time . My sons father disciplined our child OUR CHILD. He lightly popped on the butt with a flip flop ( Hispanic thing) . My mom told me today that if she heard or catches him doing it again she’s going to “say something” I simply told her even though she may not like it , it’s not her place we are his parents and what we do is what we do . If you don’t see my child with bumps a black eye bleeding , telling you I hit him . Then there shouldn’t be any input , she gets upset proceeds to say that if it happens she is going to report us for abuse mind u we have never used anything but our hands when we see fit lol ! This was the one and only time . Some children do not listen to just verbal discipline! She is a grandmother not the mother there shouldn’t be any of this .