Okay so I could use some advice please... I want to explain a little bit more about myself. My husband and I have been married 2 years going on 3. We were together for a while before that. Anyway we recently moved his father into our home because he was being evicted from his apartment, I was hesitant at first because his father had a tramatic brain injury and he isn't right in the head. Acts like a 15 year old in a 58 year Olds body. Anyway I decided to go along with it because its my husbands father and my father in law didn't want to seem like an asshole... ever since his father has moved into our house it's been nothing but a living hell. And that's saying it nicely. His father is the most selfish mother fucker I've ever met. I get it he's had an accident and has a brain injury but his father doesn't do anything but make a mess, complain to me and my husband that something hasn't been done in our house, my.husband caught him smoking weed in the house the other day. He has people in and out of my house that I don't know. Try telling me I shouldn't feed my baby formula because it's poison. And tells me that doctors are monsters and were all crazy for going to them. He talked to our neighbor yesterday going on and on about war 2 is still going on. I'm living in a nightmare. When we try to explain to him or tell him he can't do that stuff he Flys off the handle and starts screaming and yelling, I feel he's unstable and should be put in assistant living but my husband says his dad's to much in his right mind. I told my husband I want his dad to leave or I'm going to stay with my mom for a while and he got upset with me told me I'm a heartless bitch. I'm trying to think of my son. What would u guys do?

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Yeah I agree he needs to be in a assistant living but no "man" is gonna admit that. A son looks at his father as the strongest man alive. To him that would be like putting down he's manhood try to just keep talking to him about it. I would definitely go to my moms tho maybe then he will be forced to put him in one
10.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Alright thanks! I really appreciate the advice!
10.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@kylee103118 no problem. My 13 yearsnolds name is Kylee :)
10.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@motherfirst10 haha really that's cool!
10.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Forgot to add that when my husband goes to work from 9 to 5 I'm stuck babysitting his dad.... I litterally have to keep an eye on his dad. Because his dad will wander off outside and just start talking to random people even little kids. Makes himself look like a creep. I am taking care of my son during and soon daughter as well o can't be watching a 58 year old man. He won't eat like a normal person either I'll make dinner at night and he just complains you shouldn't use that it has sugar or it has to much fat in it.
10.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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