I really wish I didn’t have a filter. I wish I could freak out on people when they deserve it. I wish I wasn’t so nice to people who don’t deserve it. So many things I’m second guessing rn 😩
I’ve had this same problem for such a long time recently I’ve started trying to just say how I feel because no one is filtering themselves for me or looking out for how I feel. I recently stopped talking to my mom and my younger brother because my mom is the type to always “say what’s on her mind” aka be rude to everyone. I finally stood up for myself and it didn’t go well at all but I feel so much better not letting people walk all over me or agree with everyone about everything lol I still have ways to go. I guess it’s also hard when you weren’t taught how to communicate which is my case. I’m trying to teach myself healthy ways to communicate because I also don’t want to be the type to blow up on people, but it is super important for people to know how you feel.