Savannah Wheeler
Savannah Wheeler
I've been with my husband for over 19 years. It was good the first few years. And then things just started going down hill. I thought if I just stayed and kept up hope that he would change then things would get better. Maybe I deserve the name calling, the constant put downs, the shame of feeling like I've failed because I'm just not good enough or worthy of respect and real love. Ive hit my breaking point from it all. I just want to breathe again without feeling like I'm nothing. Or being worried about making him upset or angry. Putting him before myself. I can't live like this anymore. I am taking a break from my marriage. Im checking out of it. I need space to focus on myself and my kids. I need to breathe again. Can anyone relate to my situation or know of any loved ones who have been through anything similar. I would really appreciate some words of encouragement right now.

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08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for the advice. I am at my breaking point. There has been so much damage done already to keep trying. I'm going on 5 months pregnant. And the stress is too much. I'd rather throw the towel in now than waste another 10 + years hoping for change. You're right I Know my breaking point. And I'm at it.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I have been many of times of wanting a divorce. Took us some time but we pulled threw it still have work but I had to learn to love myself and know what Iam worth and stop trying to please him but please myself . Just remember never lose who you are you only can do so much and if he doesn’t appreciate it then you have to do what’s best for you . And make the choice to stay or move on . Only you know how much you can take and trust me you will know when you feed up cuz no matter what he says it want matter you will be throwing your hands up saying ✌🏽everyone knew there breaking point you will soon find yours
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My parents are getting divorced after roughly 30 years of marriage. They had some good years and many bad years. Lots of emotional and verbal abuse on both their parts. In my eyes, it was never a question of if they would get divorced, but when. And as hard as it’s been since they’ve separated, it’s also been good for both of them. My mom learned how much she could do on her own and she’s really developed a passion for gardening. My dad’s health has improved a lot and he’s doing his own thing. And it’s a less toxic environment for everyone.

Taking time for yourself to focus on the kids and giving yourself space to breathe is a great thing. You don’t deserve the name calling or the out downs or anything else you’ve listed. You’re worthy of love. And if there’s too much damage in the relationship to regain trust and love, you’re at the very least worthy of respect.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I've left twice and this last time it really open his eyes. It's been a yr but we still fight but not as bad. Sometimes you need a break to see if it will help or not.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
There has just been way to many lows than highs. Not enough good times to out way the bad. I believe it's time for us to go out separate ways.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I think your doing the right thing sometimes in marriages & in relationships when you have been together for so long you both tend to look at things differently and it causes a rift between you both I think you are doing the right thing for you and your kids sometimes you just need time away to regroup and think about everything away from each other it's absolutely nothing wrong with that !
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I haven’t but my sister and her husband split for 3 years after 12 years of marriage and then got back together never got a divorce or anything just split🤷‍♀️ it if was me and it didn’t work the first time I don’t think I’d try again.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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