We rented a 2 bedroom apartment in hopes that we will get to use the second bedroom, it's a giant storage room at the moment lol but I swear I walk by it every day, looking in, hoping to eventally see a crib and a cute little face looking at me with a big smile. I always imagine how I want it to look, how to set everything up, whether I'll have pink or blue all over. It brings a smile across my face every time I walk by, but it also breaks my heart piece by piece every. Single. Time.
I hear all kinds of success stories with women with pcos and or blocked tubes and nothing is changing with either of those for me. I can't afford ivf and have been trying all kinds of remedies and feel like I'm always back to square one. Why is it so hard 😭 I want to have a precious little love to hold in my arms every night and know I have a purpose in life, to keep someone safe at all times for the rest of my life.
I want to start our next phase in life and there's constantly roadblocks, always downs and hardly any ups with ttc and I just don't know what to do anymore. 😭💔 I'm so sorry for my rant, I never talk to anyone about this.

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We also got a 2 bedroom even though my husband insisted we should save the money. 2 months after we moved in we were finally pregnant. I’m hoping for you!
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
That's awesome! We've been here about a year and been trying for a while 😩 it's rather annoying to say the least lol and thank you ❤
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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