Now that I’m 31 weeks, I’ve been thinking about where I’ll be and what I’ll be doing when my water breaks lol, anyone have some story’s they would like to share ? ❤️

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My 1st 2 pregnancies I started to leak slowly through the night then went to the hospital in the morning. My 2nd pregnancy I lived through the night like I said and when I went to the hospital the 1st time they checked for dial a tion my water busted all the way And the contractions came on strong and fast right after that. My 3rd pregnancy I started to league in the middle of the night slowly and I went back to bed got backup a 1/2 hour later to go to the restroom again and 3 steps across my bedroom floor my water broke all the way. This was at 3:30 in the morningAnd I didn't get contractions would this one so I was able to take a shower and put on my make up also was able to go through McDonald's drive-through on the way to the hospital. 🤣🤣🤣

Sorry if any typos I am voice texting
06.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Same as @ek I felt a little pop and then slowly my labor progressed w my first. With my second I had zero signs of labor outside of being close to my due date and I started having contractions. Timed them and went in when they were very close together. My water broke about 10-20 mins before she was born
06.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Only 15% of labors start with your water breaking. Mine broke when I rolled over in bed. Very undramatic lol.
06.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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