And I thought a second degree tear was bad 😨 with my first I tore second degree. And my second, basically 9lbs baby, tore me in 3 spots. 1st degree perineal. Somewhere close to my urethra, and I think they said on the right side, of the vagina, maybe a bit inside? Not sure. But I healed so fast with about no pain with my second. My first, my vag hurt for like 3 months
I had 3rd degree with my first and is horrible and second degree with my youngest is horrible sorry mama you went thru that me too I was terrified the second time good luck.
Wow 4th degree? I’m scared of any degree. I’m pregnant with my first and not sure what to expect during L&D. Were you on an epidural when your tear happened?
No I wasn’t just as the doctor came in to do my epidural the nurse checked me before he could do it and I was 10 centimeters dilated so I couldn’t get it I had to push and he came out sideways