How do you leave an emotionally abusive relationship. And don’t say just leave cause anyone whose been in one knows it is not that easy.. I’m not even sure if I wanna leave or should I’m kinda conflicted and messed up.
Kinda a long post.
So Im currently engaged, have been a year now. And I’m really struggling. I love my fiancé. But I can’t help but wonder if he is the one I want to spend my life with. I’m seeing more and more how emotionally abusive he is. I’ve been naive until maybe February.
Here are a few reasons why I believe this.
I have sleeping problems (also depressed from ptsd) he’ll say things like “noticed you were up until 3am, who where you talking to or occupied your time😒” I mostly just scroll Facebook or Instagram.
Through out the day constantly “who you talking to”.
I cannot have male friends. If I bring up a story with a guy friend or run into someone and he’s with me “you ever do anything with him?” I won’t lie so if no “mhhhmmm😒” if yes he gets messed up about it.
I moved away from my home town for him where I know no one but him and his parents & one friend out here (who is no longer my friend. Long story but short form he’s a mechanic did work on her car charged her cheap she didn’t understand some the bill and owes 71$ still refused to pay.)
We argue he’ll call me names. I never do. He accuses me of talking to other men etc, when again I know no one out here. If I try to tell him how I feel he goes “yeah I’m the biggest POS in the world I’m a fucking asshole”. Or he will ignore me not communicate with me. Or will make me feel guilty then tell me I act like I don’t care and to comfort HIM.
I’m home all day. I don’t work he doesn’t want me to. When me and my friend we lee still friends I’d hang out with her some days. But if I’m not home when he is done work he has a fit. I walked in the door 2 minutes after him one time and he lost it. I didn’t care about him etc.
Threatens to leave me when we fight. I have to rely on him for almost everything because I don’t drive or work. My son lives with his grandmother and he’s said to me before if we fight and are off to get home for the weekend that we aren’t going anymore. That I NEED him to take me to get my child and he can take that from me basically.
I feel like I’m crazy with him tbh. He puts words in my mouth. He’ll say I said something when I never did.
We don’t have sex rarely cause I’m constantly not in the mood cause all I think about is the fights we’ve had earlier that day. He’ll sometimes bribe me into having sex, like if I mention I’m hungry he’ll be like I’ll make this for a snack if we can have sex or “make love” sometimes I give in cause I feel bad others I say no and he gets huffy and puffy. Like we had sex the other day and idk why but I started cramping SO bad like it felt like I was in labour I couldn’t breath. & you know what he does. I’m trying to explain the pain is coming in waves & he rolls his eyes and goes “mhmm” & I’m like are you serious why would I be crying if I was faking. He said thinks I make up shit to not have sex with him. & I’m like if I were faking don’t you think I’d not have sex with you and say I’m in pain.
Back in January I my mental health wasn’t good, I left him for 3 days we still talked, I was going to get help I felt like I was in crisis. I stayed at my fathers. But I went for a couple of drinks that night cause I felt it was needed. I ran into an ex at the bar we caught up and had some drinks and he asked if I wanted to hang out I said sure ( mostly talked about my mental health and what happened) well he was trying to make some moves on me and that wasn’t what I needed so I told him I was leaving. And I left.l back together my fathers., when I came back after the 3 days i didn’t tell him in fear of what he may assume etc with how he is. He found out. How? He lied to me saying my friends boyfriend told him I slept with someone else! I didn’t sleep with anyone else but he was like well what did you do when you
Left. Thinking my friend told her boyfriend I ran into and ex I told my fiancé. He flipped out told my I lied to him that’s the same as leaving it out. I asked my friend and she said she never told her boyfriend I ran into my ex. So I called out my fiancé and said show me the messages. He acted as if I was crazy then admitted to lying to get the “truth” out of me.
Last thing I’ll add before I end this (there is more) grab ya pop corn for this one.
Few weeks ago I had a pap, I got a call back I was worried “oh no abnormal cells”.
I go in and she tells me I have chlamydia! I started crying. Because how? And Because I automatically knew that my fiancé was going to think I slept with someone. Before my fiancé and I met I got tested because my recent ex cheated and they gave me the medication for chlamydia “just in case” it’s 4 pills at once then it’s gone. I never got a call back saying if I did or did not have it so I assumed I didn’t. My dr told me that that studies showed that people were taking the 4 pills and still coming back because it didn’t go away. So they do a full 7-10 day antibiotic now usually. She told me it’s possible it didn’t go away and I’ve had it this long also they did a urine sample and it didn’t show up only on cervix swab. I’m broken I’m terrified. He picks me up from my appointment he had left to get me McDonald’s. I told him I had bad news. I told him and told him he needs to be treated. He flipped out as was expected Ed me names and said “who else you have to tell you gave them an Sti who ?! You obviously slept with someone.”
So we finished our antibiotics and he hasn’t mentioned or accused me after talking to the dr.
I’m just tired all the time and when we fight I feel numb and cry and he won’t apologize unless im crying or I’m having a total anxiety attack.
Am I crazy? Is this normal? I don’t know what to do..
Nope. Not normal.
Not only is he emotional abusive but he is very possessive and controlling.
As much as you don't wanna hear ...just leave... it's exactly what you need to do. You need to reach out to someone who can help you whether it be family or friends but the situation will never get better if you stay.