Stevie Jacks
Stevie Jacks
Any moms on here that have any advice on baby with colic? My boyfriend seems to think my daughter has it but I don’t think so. I took her to her doctor and she doesn’t think she’s colic either. What were the symptoms that made you think your baby was colic and how to help with it ?

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Our pediatrician told us that colic tend to start around afternoon hours so it would make sense. Ask your pediatrician.
04.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
The most they think is she may have slight acid reflex that’s it
04.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
What makes him think she has colic? Does she cry a lot? My daughter had colic up until she was 4 months old. She would cry most of the time. I had to lay her on my chest and rub her back to get her to settle down. She had acid reflux as well
04.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
When I’m gone for work she cries a lot with him. I’m with her from 6 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon and she never screams like she does with him. She’s fussy sometimes with me but not how she is with him. I told him to swaddle her and comfort her and he’s just dead set on that she’s colic. I don’t think she is I think she just wants to be held and rocked.
04.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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