Hi everyone. Please what's your idea on looking for work after birth. How long should I wait? Also can I still breastfeed my baby,when I start working? Baby is due in August
Agree with the first poster, u should really wait until your 6 week postpartum check and doctor clears you for work. However , I went back shortly after a week post partum, and girl it was super rough !! I've been working since.
It’s recommended to at least use breastmilk up to 6 months before quitting but if you cannot only use premixed formula at the hospital my doula said for a newborn it’s best not to introduce water that early. ссылкассылка “If your baby is just a few weeks old, you may feel breastfeeding is not yet well established. This is the most challenging age to continue breastfeeding after returning to work. You'll probably need to pump at least twice while you're at work, and possibly three or four times during the day to keep up your milk supply.”
You usually should take 6 weeks or until a doctor says you’re healed before going back to work so your bodies back to normal. You can always start using a breast pump during work hours to not lose supply and pump before you leave so baby has your supply to drink when you aren’t present but to regulate a supply it takes 1-2 months to breastfeed without pumping I believe I’m not exactly sure. Best of luck and take it easy just look for work after you medically healed and you feel personally ready to. You could always talk to a lactation consultant at the hospital too for this advice and how to keep your supply up because every person has differences.