I hate those dreams you have when you're about to wake up so much. I had three just this morning and they were all bizarre? In the first one I was late to work by 2 minutes and so they fired me and I had to go and live in target (possibly influenced by me watching the Walmart baby movie last night).
In the second one I went into labor on the bus, and instead of calling a relative to take me to the hospital, I just rode the bus there? And told no one I had given birth afterwards, then went to work the same day with my new baby and went about my business as usual.
In my last dream I think I was freaked out by the previous dream because all I did was pack my hospital bag- only I wasn't pregnant in this dream? Just... packing a bag for a trip I had no idea when it would be happening. And like, I was packing stuff I would need right then, like chargers, and my wallet! (In all honesty, I DO kiiiind of have my hospital bag prepared? Not crazily so, but I do have a blanket and a couple outfits for either gender in a few sizes all set aside in a bag, oops. I like being prepared, sue me!)
Like jeez, if these are just my normal dreams, what kind of crazy things am I gonna dream about once I'm *actually* pregnant!?
Anyone else with these crazy dreams while TTC?