My baby boy looks healthy but doctor is worried baby is starting to have iugr like his big brother were they stop growing cause his stomach is Measuring in the 1% tile n it needs to be 5 & above .. his tummy is at 27wks n I'm 30wks so I have to go bck next week again n the week after to make sure it's still growing at least if not I think they may induce me cz bby only weighs 2lbs 8oz n he said thats not bad but still low on weight n cz his tummy is small its preventing him to gain the weight he needs ... I've gain another 3lbs in my weight tho he said it's nothing to do with me its jus something that happens with iugr babies.. so please pray he still grows n makes it to at least 35 or 36 wks. My last baby was growing just fine all the way up till 33 34 wks then he just stop so they induce me cz he wasnt gaining anymore weight .. I know this bby is gonna have it n gna stop growing I wish they didnt have this iugr like my other 4 kids but hey I guess this what it post 2 b right