Dee Rich
Dee Rich
What do you do when you mate wants you to do crazy things or things that make you uncomfortable in the bedroom? Do you do them in order to keep your relationship? Or do you not and say the hell with the relationship? Now y'all do have children together and have loved each other since you were teenagers. What would you do?

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I've tried new things that are out of my comfort zone for my spouse. He knows that if I get to uncomfortable or uneasy about it I'm going to say stop and obviously he'll respect that. He has been disappointed if something hasn't worked and asked if we could it try again in the future. As long as your SO respects your boundaries it is fun to try new things to spice it up a bit.
05.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I understand this all to well my bf is the same way we having 2 kids together and I just tell him no if he gets an attitude about it I remind him no means no I’m not comfortable with it he’ll eventually get over it and if he doesn’t you might wanna think why he’s acting like that
25.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
DEFINITELY would depend what it is but I'm of the "I'll try anything once" mentality. If while trying it, I am truly uncomfortable I'd tell my husband and that would be least we tried! Haha! NO ONE should be uncomfortable or in pain during sex, it SHOULD be fun.
21.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
It depends on what those crazy things are I compromise as long as it isnt too crazy. But I definitely would not throw my relationship away over something taking or not taking place in the bedroom. It's fun trying new things, however, if it makes u feel uncomfortable.. dont do it and if he loves you and respects you, no pressure.
19.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
It depends what it is we’ll that’s me..but u shouldn’t have to do anything ur not comfortable with..u can inbox me if u like
18.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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