@lakota-winyan, @brookemmoore, I know that. So just because the embryo is at an earlier stage of development it’s ok to prevent its life? Ok then. Like saying it’s ok to kill a teenager because it’s not an adult yet.
That’s such bullshit and we all know it. HUGE difference between MURDERING A TEENAGER and terminating a pregnancy before it’s even medically considered a baby. What a joke.
@bodybycheetos, that’s totally irrelevant we’re talking as if someone is already pregnant not if it wasn’t here. Like I said not telling anyone what the fuck to do just saying my opinion you don’t like mine I don’t like yours that’s LIFE.
@ehowa, @bodybycheetos, no it’s not it has a heartbeat it’s a life. @lakota-winyan, no way at all am I telling anyone what to do it’s simply my opinion. You lot think it’s ok then that’s your opinion.
@erincharlieconor, I partake in pro choice marches. Do you stand outside of plan parenthood, calling women murderers? You obviously do care because your here getting your panties all twisted up.
@erincharlieconor, yeah, well you have a loud opinion about something that isn’t your concern. Especially since you’re not doing anything about your views but talking.
@lakota-winyan, @brookemmoore, I know that. So just because the embryo is at an earlier stage of development it’s ok to prevent its life? Ok then. Like saying it’s ok to kill a teenager because it’s not an adult yet.
It’s not your body. It’s not your choice. In no way shape or form is it going to affect your life. You are against it and that’s fine. Does it give you the right to tell another person or what to do with their body.
@erincharlieconor what about the millions of children in foster care? In group homes? The ones waiting to be adopted? These women don't ask to be raped and they shouldn't be forced to raise or carry a baby to term that was conceived out of rape. Until you're in the situation keep your mouth zipped and mind your own f'in uterus. Not your body, not your uterus, not your choice.
But go ahead and have a shit opinion and be part of the issue. Add to the hate and help these assholes take away OUR rights as women. States are banning safe abortions. States are making it illegal to safely rid a unwanted or deadly pregnancy and legal to question and punish a woman who has a miscarriage. Ohio is trying to take away birth control.
@mychemicalshaymance, the rape victims aside, don’t have sex if you don’t want a baby, are people thick aswel as stupid. Use a condom for Christ sake then maybe these babies wouldn’t have to be suffering would they. Yeah accidents happen but people are so fast to jump on a dick then they have to make these heartbreaking decisions for what five mins of fun. The government is fucked up we all know that, you might think you have a voice well listen nothing is going to change they have a plan and it is what it is so everyone better start being safe before they all have unwanted pregnancies.