When we decided we wanted kids, we decided on 3. We waited to start having kids until our financial situation was in a good place were we can afford three.
Made sure we could afford it, as well as getting past the teething and sleep regressions lol I fell pregnant about 1 month before my son turned 2. I kinda wanted him to be potty trained by time baby was born but it wasn't a huge deal. He's potty trained now tho
We went over finances to see first if we could afford another. We can. Then we decided what age gap we preferred. Ideally we want our daughter potty trained by the time the 2nd comes. We have been trying for 8-9 months now.
I didn’t decide it lol. It was not planned but when I found out I was pregnant I knew I was meant to have another baby. My daughters are almost exactly 4 years apart. I think it’s a great age difference