Ok so I need advice on what to do or how to handle a situation. Please no negativity. May be a trigger for some. Here I go.

I bought one of those pop up play tents for my 4 year old daughter today. My friend and her son who is one year older (he’s 5) came over for a play date. Both kids are playing with toys with the door open all the way and I can hear them and see them. My leaves to run to the store for some batteries for the kids toys. (Here comes the triggering part)
My 5 month old poops so I go to change her and as I change her I noticed it getting silent and whispering. I finish changing my daughter and go peek around the corner and both of them are in the tent with my daughter sitting on top of him. I kinda yelled what are you doing in here! And my daughter (who is 4) jumps off. His mom gets back and I tell her immediately what I saw and she took her son to question him while I talked to my daughter. By this time my daughter is in tears. I told her that if she told me the truth I wouldn’t be mad. I asked her if she touched his private area and she said no. I asked if he touched hers and she said yes. I asked if he went under her pants and she said no but he told her to sit on him.
I did tell her that absolutely NO ONE is allowed to touch her in her privates ever unless it’s me wiping her bum after she poops. (She doesn’t do the best job) and I told her that if anyone ever touches her privates again she is to come right to me and tell me.

So I know not to leave them alone anymore but what else should I do? This kinda worries me.

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Idk I'm kinda on the fence... my gut feeling is that the little boy probably caught his parents having sex more than once and is mimicking the behavior. I would certainly be hyper vigilant during all future play dates and cease them if the behavior continues
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yeah. No more playing in her room. They can play in the living room where I can supervise everything
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’ve heard and seen this happen to SO many people . Just make it known . Some parents don’t filter their kids as much as we might . So they see and hear about these things . They’re curious . They wanna be like the adults . But just keep instilling in her that it’s never okay for anyone to touch her there . Good luck momma .
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
It’s so scary. Thank you momma!
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@gummybear728, of course !
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m damn sure not telling you not to stress about it.. BUT, I am gonna tell you that I’d say it’s normal. I know of things like this happening a lot at this age. Not sure about him saying to sit on em, that kinda sounds like maybe he seen this or something.. but being curious id say is normal. I wouldn’t be leaving them alone anymore but it is normal.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Definitely not. They will be playing in the living room from now on
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@gummybear728, idk if it makes you feel any better but I did some weird shit like this as a kid, probably about the same age too. I wasn’t sitting on his lap or anything, but we decided to do a “show for show” if you get what I’m saying 😂 which is why I’m paranoid as shit when a boy comes around my girls lol. It wasn’t his idea or pressured me or anything, we both were like “hey, wanna see mine & you show me yours” we thought it was the coolest shit.. my mom, did not find it very “cool” 😂 I wasn’t in trouble exactly but she made it very clear that wasn’t okay to be doing & no one should see my private areas like that. Kids are kids. & when an opportunity presents itself, you take it without thinking cause your just a kid. Kids are always curious. Hopefully she knows now just like I did after that incident.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Did you talk to his mother? A 5 year old doing that would make me question if someone is molesting him.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I did talk to her as soon as she got back.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I have never been in this situation but it’s definitely upsetting. Was this the first time they have played together? I am curious what made you think to ask her if he had touched her? The way she was sitting? I am just asking because I have never been in a situation like this and I talk to my kids all the time about bad touching etc. and want to know what to look for if I ever am.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
They play all the time but it’s the first time this happened. What made me question it is because I was sexually abused from 4-13 by my adopted father. So I’m very extreme when it comes to this.
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Talk to his mother sooner then later
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
We talked as soon as it happened
05.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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