My periods always came exactly one month after the birth bleeding stopped. I would typically bleed for around 2-3 weeks from birth & then a month from then my period started. Stayed on point ever since. I always started birth control but not until 6 weeks postpartum. This past time I didn’t go on it until 7 months later.
@expectingz, wasn’t on any. We after I got my period with my daughter we TTC my son. Got pregnant 4 months PP. and used condoms and pull out after my son.
Breastfed and pumped until baby was 14 months. My cycle came once about 10 months pp then again at 13 months pp and has been here ever since. Once it came back for good my supply tanked and I had to wean my little guy off. Oh and I had paragard placed at 8 wks pp.