Mucus plug coming out in decent globs (sorry if that was TMI😂) then it was constant serious pressure & feeling like she was literally RIGHT there inside my vagina, I could feel every move she made at that point. Braxton Hicks that seemed much more intense & closer to the real thing. I lost my appetite, my belly dropped to where I actually felt like I could breathe easier because the pressure was off. & then it was just this anxious feeling of feeling like “she’s coming”
I had my son at 36 weeks and I was in bed napping felt a goosh of weirdness down under def wasn't a little discharge it was like boom and then called my advice nurse came in she checked the fluid I had him the next day 🤦🏽♀️🤣 healthy baby but still at 18 it was all new to me. I had my daughter at 37 weeks due to choleostasis so my whole body was seizing and tensing up I couldn't move or breathe that's the only reason I knew she was coming but they had to induce me twice break my water the next day and she finally came
I had all of those yesterday. I’m so anxious. I was induced with my first, and my second I didn’t even know I was in labor when I was. I’m already 5cm, 80% effaced too.
@massgirl, They know! I’ve been home on bedrest for two weeks, and told me to come straight in if I had more frequent, strong contractions or my water broke, but neither has happened yet.