Decided to stop breastfeeding because Silas's weight gain has been slowing and he's dropped out of his percentile range twice. I want to be able to track how much he's eating because I'm a super paranoid control freak. His doctor seemed only mildly concerned, but that annoys versus making me feel better. Anyway, I'm working through breastmilk I have frozen, which should last till end of May. Then we'll move to formula until he turns 1 in July. To the point, I've got some severe mom guilt going on in multiple ways. I feel like a failure for not making it the full year even though my original goal was 6 months, and my first was formula fed because he would never latch right. I also feel like a failure because he's not gaining weight like crazy like my first and I feel like maybe being so persistent about breastfeeding ended up hurting him in the long run. It's all very contradictory. There's no winning with this. Also, probably my hormones are crazy right now from weaning. Ugh. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

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A fed baby is a happy baby! As long as you’re feeding your baby when they’re hungry, then there’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty. Best of luck!
30.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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