Anybody can read cards for themselves and that’s how the cards are mainly used for personal use.
Those who read for others must have a different deck they use for themselves as the cards can pick up negative energy which is also why you must clear and cleanse them before every use.
Before you use them it’s best to bond with them and leave them on your altar if you have one but expect to get sass because some cards don’t play around and they will tell you like it is even if it hurts your feelings lol.
I use an app run by a woman whose been doing it for years. The cards are shuffled for you and everything. It's also a website too. It's called trusted tarot. It's free but you can buy a plan for more services. It's really nice for people who are curious and new to tarot readings.
@olga.vlaa I'm not too experienced with tarots, but I personally like past, present, future readings. I always find that I can relate and understand the cards drawn. I wouldn't be scared lol.
I own a few decks and it’s a tool to help connect with your spiritual being.