muvaa.of.3 🌸
muvaa.of.3 🌸
Aww man my husband just left me for 5 days. What’s a wife to do with herself. 😩🤷🏽‍♀️

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My husbands travels a lot for work too. You should treat yourself. Get your nails done, pedicure,go to lunch etc.
18.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
He actually went to take care some things because his grandmother passed away on Saturday. And she lived in Florida. So he’s going to handle some loose ends & get her belongings together. Bro if he actually left me on the REG for work or what not I will loose my marbles lol. He’s literally my other half. I’ll be lost without him even though he’s coming back & only gone for a few days it’s still feels like eternity. So I just couldn’t imagine 😩🥺
18.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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