I can’t sleep, mamas. 😭 I have had FOUR hours of sleep in the last three days. I’ve tried CBD oil, melatonin, NyQuil, sleeping in a different room, nothing is working. Between David’s snoring, him coughing and hacking all night, me being sick, migraines, I CAN NOT SLEEP.
I work a 12 hour shift tomorrow and with the way things are looking, I’m not gonna be rested at all. I want to cry. I called out Tuesday with a stomach bug and was sent home early today because I couldn’t stay awake. I can’t afford to miss anymore hours.
If I lay on my back, my restless legs act up. If I lay on my sides, my arms fall asleep within seconds. If I lay on my stomach, I can’t breathe. I can’t get comfortable no matter what I do, and when I’m finally on the verge of getting there, David’s snoring and coughing wake me up. I’m so exhausted. I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m mad all the time, my head is throbbing...I’m at a complete loss.