Any advice on how to fix this flat head?! Ugh, we do tummy time multiple times a day. She is almost always sitting up or in something that does have her head flat when not sleeping. But while sleeping she will not move her head! I try to put it side to side and she just moves it right back!
I honestly don’t think it looks that bad. My son had congenital torticollis which caused plagiocephaly. He needed months of physical therapy and a helmet. If you’re concerned about her neck movement then I’d have her evaluated by a physical therapist for torticollis or any other issues. If you’re thinking of going with a helmet, go see an orthotist ASAP because the sooner, the better. You’d want to get it on before she hits her growth spurts. Message me anytime. Good luck!
@mama.autz, ugh, getting a helmet was/is such a fear of mine. I tried to so hard to prevent it. I feel like a terrible mom, like I did something wrong. She’s 6 months and it wasn’t flat until she was like 4 months. Also she has grown so much. She was 4lbs 7oz at birth and is now about 17. So the first few months there was no weight to that head😞
it’s not a big deal! you can continue just trying to correct it yourself, but don’t wait too long if you don’t start seeing results. it’s best to start the helmet before they’re one! but that still gives you time. don’t feel bad about it, it’s not your fault.
at this point, a helmet is your best option to fix it. most of the flatness comes from the first few months of life while the skull is much more susceptible to force, it’s much harder to correct yourself at this age.