So I don’t ever really get serious cravings... I just NEVER know what I want to eat. Cause one second something sounds good and then the next it doesn’t 🙄
@dscroggins08, @madhatter, I’m at that point now where if he suggests something or we just drive around and I see a sign that’s what I want. And you better not suggest something else or let me see anything else because I’ll switch it up 😂
I've been like this my whole pregnancy. I pretty much gave up on trying to feed myself. Only recently have I had solid cravings for things. I'm struggling from HG though so still can't really eat. It's been frustrating. It's the worst when you go spend money on something delicious, get home and take one taste to be extremely disappointed. 😂
@dyanaak I'm so glad I'm not the only one. My husband is so frustrated with me. We both fear asking me what I want for dinner every night. I swear I cringe harder than he does asking the question because I have no flipping clue. But also will be mad in 20 minutes if I don't get food. So figure that one out 😂😂😂😂
@madhatter it's funny you say that I literally give my hubs a dead stare when he asks "what do you want for dinner" I'm like dude it doesn't even matter I'll probably just drink some soup/broth 🤣