Another girl I don't know trying to sell me something I don't need or want. Just because I just had a baby doesn't mean I want your weightloss crap. I'm actually smaller now than when I got pregnant. #sorrynotsorry ugh!
That's how it is on instagram for me. I'm into fitness and RANDOM people add me as their friend and my account is private so it's odd they can even find me period and think on not on these apps to buy products either ;)
That's creepy! I wonder how they find you! I'm also wondering how this girl found me. I went to high school with her husband, but we were never friends or anything like that I'm not even friends with him on Facebook! Not to mention I just got married so my last name is different on Facebook too. My last name is Mahrenholz now. You're not just going to come up with that 😂😂
@emmahrenholz I wouldn't take it personal she must of send those messages to plenty of other people too other thing is she knows who u are and decided to take the risk and send you that too.
@hazelmaplewood oh no I wasnt taking offense to it or anything. Just laughing cause I made a post on here yesterday of this Mary kay lady texting me every few days and I wouldnt respond and she wasnt catching the hint. So I was just laughing at another girl starting to do it. These types of people just love postpartum girls! They seem them as easy targets. I understand the business just annoying as hell@